The Baker County Sheriff’s Office Division of Emergency Management will ensure, through coordination with county and local shareholders, that the county is prepared to respond to, and recover from, all natural and man-made emergencies. This office will provide the leadership and support for the team to reduce the loss of life and property through an all-hazards emergency management program of mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery throughout Baker County.
If you would like to volunteer to help during disaster preparedness, response, or recovery operations, please contact our Director of Emergency Management at (904) 259-2861 or EmergencyManagement@BakerSO.com.
Director John Blanchard
Director John Blanchard has over thirty years in law enforcement. He has worked in and supervised specialized units including a Street Crimes Unit and Multijurisdictional Task Force. He is a graduate of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) Chief Executive Seminar. Director Blanchard has been a certified FDLE Instructor and teaching law enforcement subjects since 1992. Director Blanchard also has experience in emergency management, compliance, safety and security in the fields of law enforcement and health care.